Arenga Pinnata as a Source of Organic Palm Sugar

Arenga pinnata as asource of organic palm sugar

Arenga pinnata, also known as the sugar palm or gomuti palm, is a type of palm tree that is native to Southeast Asia and parts of the Pacific Islands. It is a tall, slender tree that can reach up to 30 meters in height and is often used for its sap, which can be used to make organic palm sugar, alcoholic beverages, and other products. Arenga pinnata fruit is delicious to eat.

In Indonesia many of Arenga pinnata could be found in the mountainous forest of West Java. It is an ideal place, beside of its altitude they also get enough sunlight and rain throughout the years.

Arenga, also, a brand owned by Diva Maju Bersama, are produces liquid palm sugar and powdered palm sugar, bring in all its raw materials from those forest moutains to deliver a good quality palm sugar to its customers.

Organic Palm Sugar Three

Our source of Arenga pinnatas here don’t need any synthetic chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Besides the lush mountainous land, aren palm tree doesn’t require special care. They breed organically through the intermediary of the ferret. These animals eat the ripe of palm fruit and the seeds that can not be digested would come out with their feces. And not long after that the ones which were discarded in any place growth naturally.

If deemed necessary some farmers would move those young palm trees into their field. But another will let them grow there until ready to harvest.

Whatever the choice for the palm cultivations are, one is certain, our farmers always maintain the culture of their intensive traditional knowledges and respect all the sacred values ​​inherited by their ancestors as a tribute to nature. They respect the palm tree as children of the motherland who will feed humanity.

Arenga pinnata produces high-grade palm sugar with savory flavors and aromas.

Another Use Arenga Pinnata

The tree’s trunk is typically used for building and construction, while the leaves are often used for thatching and weaving. The fruit of the Arenga pinnata is also edible and can be used to make jams and preserves.

In traditional medicine, various parts of the Arenga pinnata tree are used to treat a range of ailments, including headaches, fever, and respiratory infections. Additionally, the sap is sometimes used as a natural sweetener and has a low glycemic index, making it a popular alternative to sugar for people with diabetes.

Arenga Pinnata Fruits in Indonesia

Palm sugar fruits kolang-kaling
Arenga pinnata fruits – Kolang-Kaling

The fruit of the Arenga pinnata tree is commonly known as “kolang-kaling” in Indonesia, and it is a popular ingredient in Indonesian cuisine.

In Indonesia, the fruit is typically harvested when it is still young and green, and the outer layer is firm and crunchy. The fruit is then boiled until it becomes soft and tender, the pith inside becomes clear, and it takes on a translucent appearance.

The boiled kolang-kaling is often served as a sweet snack or dessert, either on its own or mixed with other ingredients like coconut milk, palm sugar, and shaved ice.

Kolang-kaling is also a common ingredient in various traditional Indonesian desserts, such as es cendol, es teler, and es doger. In these desserts, the boiled fruit is combined with other sweet ingredients like coconut milk, condensed milk, and palm sugar syrup to create a refreshing and indulgent treat.

Aside from being a popular food ingredient, kolang-kaling is also believed to have health benefits in traditional Indonesian medicine. It is believed to have cooling properties and is used to treat fever and heatstroke.

Arenga Indonesia, produce organic palm sugar in Tangerang…

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  1. BlogsOf Hariyanto Mei 1, 2014 at 6:47 am

    pohon aren ini memang mesti dipelihara dan dibudidayakan…agar bisa menghasilkan produk aren yang berkualitas….,
    keep happyblogging always..salam dari Makassar 🙂

  2. Evi Saja Mei 1, 2014 at 6:50 am

    Iya Pak Hari. Terima kasih atas supportnya

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